By some terrible oversight, there is no mention on the BBC News this morning of Twitter being provably involved in election rigging, with the complicity of the FBI and DNC to erase First Amendment freedoms.
I wonder if there are punishments for those who knowingly suppress public awareness of such crimes? It's always the cover-up that gets you...

Student of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat
Interestingly, though, the BBC is showing satellite images of new construction by the (invading) Russian Army in Mariupol. I wonder what is happening in these new/repaired/fenced-off buildings?
These evil Russians must be incredibly stupid. Fancy demolishing everything else but preserving intact the ruins of the "city's theatre, where hundreds of people are believed to have died after Russian forces......." They have even built a screen around it to preserve it, perhaps just in case some legal authority should want to label it "Exhibit A". Incredible! (to anyone who still believes the Ukraine output on the BBC).