This makes me think of Rupert Sheldrake's work regarding what he calls the Morphic Field. If I understood him correctly, we (being the Good Lord's creations) have the power to change future generations of humanity by what we overcome (i.e., fear) and what we learn (i.e., wisdom). He expounds by suggesting a theory that we each can actually effect the past by making our own personal changes...overcoming our own personal fears, evolving emotionally and the like. Of course, there aren't any known ways to prove this. That said, perhaps it might help explain the Mandela effect? Are we time traveling via our DNA? Do our individual efforts to learn, grow, understand and help humanity move backwards and forwards through time? It's a fascinating concept and one I have accepted as truth. I credit this belief as being the driver that compels me to improve my own flaws, to understand deeper concepts and truths that I might otherwise have shunned because they were so uncomfortable to address.