Holding the line, while being scapegoated by your family and social circle, is hard while it lasts — but the alternative is far harder in the long run. https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/better-to-be-a-scapegoat-than-a-turncoat?sd=pf
Better to be a scapegoat than a turncoat - by Martin Geddes
Watch now (9 min) | Ostracism by those who are morally weak is a badge of honour
https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/better-to-be-a-scapegoat-than-a-turncoat?sd=pfWe must go into the "breech" regardless of consequence - if not,- we lose by default. I don't savor the moment, but I hope to remain steadfast and staunch as this may be my last act of free will. Godspeed to all1