Update on Oscar 2/2
My family had a rather rough time these past two years. We lost our business, my husband lost his eyesight, was diagnosed with cancer, and we went through the social isolation and family issues all anons went through one way or another during this process. When our sweet little guy almost died, I just about lost it. I am so glad I reached out to the AU family! Know that you all lifted this whole family up! I feel very strongly now that our time of enduring is over and our time of emerging victoriously is at hand! The love and light you sent is embracing my family and permeates the fabric of our reality. It touches everyone involved in this situation. I believe I got a glimpse of what Earth 2.0 will feel like thanks to all of you! Let me tell you, it is glorious and quite addictive! God placed the divine power to turn this mess around into the human heart. Thank you for directing that power towards saving our little boy! I love you guys!!!!!!
Praying that your family is graced by God.