what about President Trump? many i know and love said “well he said its good and safe” i have felt like im failing in this part of understanding things. sometimes i think i get it and then i really dont. i grew up very well familiar with true health. does anyone have any explanation as to why President Trump took part in vax propaganda? he just had to?
In all fairness Trump did say it was your choice, even though he seemed to be encouraging others to get jabbed. He, Q, and We have all been pushing researching for yourselves, not to believe anything at face value. But, MSM, CDC, WHO, Government, Hollywood, churches and so on wouldn't lie to us. Most do not realize where we are at in this war, or even that we are in a Spiritual war.
With all the rumors about Trump, being a Freemason, Zionist, Globalist plant to screw over everyone, Trump pushing the vaccine was and is the one lie that gave me pause.