**Please Help If Possible. I am in dire need of financial aid to get myself (and household) through the next couple weeks. I am humbled, embarrassed and ashamed to have to ask for help but don’t see another way other than asking for the kindness and generosity of my community.
Any amount is greatly and sincerely appreciated and can be delivered through PayPal or Venmo at:
You can also direct message me to figure out a more convenient method.
*Please repost to lend a hand (Thank You).
Hammu...if you have telegram please go to HRH Queen Romana Didulo's page and depending on which Stste you are in she will connect you with the fund raising for you...you just go on and let her know you are in dire straights and you willl be connected with an administrator and they will host a fundraising to help you...I promise so many have already been helped especially with the Grocery pages that have been created for every Province here in Canada, there are grocery pages for each state in the US as well🙏
Thank you so much and I will do so as soon as I can.
Here is the invite link
Telegram: Contact @HMQueenRomana_CIC_Channel
You can view and join @HMQueenRomana_CIC_Channel right away.
here is link for the US
Telegram: Contact @TheKingdomofAmerica
Official channel for The Kingdom of America (KOA) Overseen by the USAF, White Hats and lead by the USAFCIC H H King David J Carlson & H E Lady Queen Sarah Carlson. One World One People in Peace, Prosperity and Freedom