What is “The Plan”?
What does “NCSWIC” and “WWG1WGA”
truly mean?
The Q born ANON ARMY is a CABAL-CENTRIC (failsafe) DOOMSDAY DEVICE & Despot-Destroying Dead Man’s Switch. The Plan is a Military / Civilian alliance set into motion by the Q-Team and the Q drops were truth bombs posted to wake people up to the reality of this world.
Truth is inevitable. The defeat of evil by good is inevitable. Fulfillment of the Plan is inevitable. Darkness is always revealed by light, good always triumphs over evil and God always Wins. So stay strong my friends, put on the full armor of God, and keep seeking the truth, because total, absolute and inviolable victory is within reach of us all and nearer to come than most realize.
God Bless Q, God Bless the Plan, God Bless the Anon Army and BEWARE to our foes for they will surely feel hard the rough lean of our toughly won presence soon. SEEK TRUTH!