1-year Delta for #3837 - The Silent War Continues…..
*There are more 1-yr & 3-yr deltas (no 2-yr) - https://qagg.news/?q=%7BDR%2002%2F04%2F2020-02%2F08%2F2020%7D&delta=1
Have we ever noticed correlation with these one and two year deltas? I always look at them, but I can't say I've ever seen the drops relate to anything currently happening.

the second half is from when covid started and what happened to us. i heard 11iranians were trying to get in the bordees at yuma arizona. so i do not know the Iranians within the govt. I thought we have Chinese

Prepared for YESHUAs Return ~ #GODWON #HoldTheLine #WWG1WGA
look closer ~ they do correlate ~ no coincidences?