Not much of anything if they won't be ripping off their customers anymore!!! We need the complete ability and resources to control our own wealth and not be told to pay absorbent fee's over and over. Also Need the ability to transact anywhere anytime without being interrupted by them intermediaries. Full accountability and civilian based oversight would be important. "WE THE PEOPLE" that is the America I want, not this evil sick twisted monopoly of Lies and deceit and endless demoralization and diluting of everything that is special in our Daily Lives.... Nothing Less America and the World. Expectations can wreck a mind, but goals and Dreams and the time spent achieving and climbing is what is the REAL DEAL!! Don't ever let Satan's Minions tell you differently.. Mow your Own Lawns and take back your Homes, your neighborhoods, for the GOOD of ALL PEOPLE!!!
No More Living Demoralized, No More Living Desensitized, and Polarized!! We are ALL GOD"S CHILDREN!!! ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!