I am not really into forecasts or predictions, but I can join the dots and see what is about to unfold. https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/the-anons-will-become-warrior-philanthropists?sd=pf
The anons will become warrior philanthropists
Watch now (5 min) | If the assets and control over resources are reallocated in a collapse, what's next?
Your comment, about your previous career - kinda struck home.
I used to be an art director. Worked in advertising, publishing (edication and financial), government...
This was a job I adored - I remember saying to a coworker in 2001 "I can not imagine my life, not doing this job."
Now, I will never return to that career, but, I have developed tools and weapons, honed to a fine edge, BECAUSE of that career.
It seems to me, we have been grown to function in this place and time.
Of course, what that does to the concept of 'free will', I am not enough of a philosopher to address - but I do think about that, from time to time... 🧐