You better believe DJT has some dirt on RD that we are not privy to.
Also, we’ve also proven that there are people online who are fifth column and fifth column can also exist in Florida as well.
Either way, things are getting spicy!

Follower of Jesus/ Husband / Father ...all of which I am undeserving but Most appreciative
the whole RD thing was too easy and perfect. I mean he even talked like trump in certain instances. Actor playing RD and this is how he will be exposed for what he is quite a movie.

RD continues to give me Obama vibes and this feeling is not new.
Meaning of fifth-columnist in English
a member of a group of people who support the enemies of the country they live in and secretly help them:

GOD FEARING, Thankful Old Carpenter, I stand for freedom our Republic. Took the oath to the Constitution, and will keep it! WWG1WGA!
Didn't DJT truth out something about RD Wife running his~ RD Campaign and biss/Finances behind the scenes/ something like
" she realy runs his campaine"
I seam to re call that from early last wk

FAMILY is all in your heart. GOD IS ALMIGHTY IN ALL. MY "TIME" HAS COME NOW. A Texan by state. Member since 2021
i agree...this dish is😊💜


Aware of enough lies that I am suspicious of every truth - and the truth does not care about your feelings...INFJ Sigma
I have had a good laugh - and cry - at how many people still think that it is the real Desantis they see out there.

It isn't just Ron that Trump is attacking, and that says to me he's making his ego a large target to attract attention... which people fall for every time. He's a master of misdirection, so I suspect we'll find out later on where the actual magic was being performed.

looked up what it meant wow there is a word for it! did not know what fifth column meant.