I know that there are many who aren’t fans of Simon Parkes; however, he posted a video in which he says he has received information about the planned scenario re. the US mid-terms, but because of his NDA he cannot speak about it. His way around is to present 6 possible scenarios, one if which is the planned scenario (remember, this is a military operation). I have summarized the options. Personally, I feel option 5 is the one that will play out. It is - in my opinion - the long anticipated gut punch. It will feel like democracy will have ended in the last bastion of freedom, America. The good news - WE COME OUT OF THIS INTO A BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD. I won’t believe any other scenario where humanity does not come out of this as victorious.

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?
So let me get this straight, Simon Parks has a clause in his NDA that allows him to disclose information on upcoming ops his NDA states he can not disclose, as long as he discloses it with 5 other untrue ops?
sounds more like he took the top 6 talking points from other peoples’ work and created an elaborate story for it, then can claim he was right if any, or in part were close to being correct…
i can hear him already… “See, i told you i was right!” “They had to change up the op a little last minute.”

I believe in and will fight for freedom! Truth seeker and staunch President Trump supporter! #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🦅
You won’t get me into an argument about Simon Parkes. I am not defending him nor do I care what others think of him.
There was a point to my post that has nothing to do with Simon Parkes.
Do you know what my point is? I am genuinely asking (no sarcasm at all).

mother, grandmother, animal lover, truthseeker
I think number 3.

I believe in and will fight for freedom! Truth seeker and staunch President Trump supporter! #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🦅
That would be one of the easier options to accept, but we have a gut punch coming.
A fraudulent blue wave (option 5) - as unthinkable as that is - would be a huge gut punch. I don’t think a fake alien invasion or a nuclear war are in the works.
The mid-terms are being allowed to proceed (my belief) and the Cabal is going to be allowed - again - to do their dirty cheating game.
It will SEEM like the Demon-crats have total control of both houses and the Presidency.
All we can do is pray that there are White Hats, that they really are in control, and that the
Military White Hats uphold their oaths and step in (they will, but they won’t until we have felt enough pain and we finally stand up ourselves).

There is no specific language in the Constitution that requires the Speaker to be a member of Congress.
Congress elects the Speaker...and an "outsider" could conceivably be elected...

Followed Q from the beginning, thank you to Dave at X22. WWG1WGA UK Patriot
Also Simon Parkes claimed that he was in telephone contact with the Q Team. Q made it very clear that there were NO outside coms from the board. Simon Parkes and his side kick "Dr" Charlie Ward are both Charlatans. You only have to search them both using google to find out they are opportunist scammers. I have been in the Q movement from the first post and I have seen folks come and go and these 2 suddenly appeared out of no where in 2020. I first got exposed to Charlie Ward when he did the Hidden King scam.

I believe in and will fight for freedom! Truth seeker and staunch President Trump supporter! #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🦅
I presented the scenarios because - irrespective of who communicated them - they are all plausible.
My personal opinion is that the 5th option - which is the darkest and most demoralizing- is the one that plays out.
Simon Parkes was NOT the focus of my post. I don’t understand why people stop reading after they see “Simon Parkes.”
I was VERY clear. I know that many don’t think much of Simon Parkes (I am NOT defending, promoting or denegrating the man).
You do understand the purpose of my post? I am genuinely asking (no sarcasm at all).

Followed Q from the beginning, thank you to Dave at X22. WWG1WGA UK Patriot
Come on mate, being part of the Q movement is doing your own research

Mother, daughter, sister and wife. Live in Arizona, Canadian born. Live the USA and DJT is my President!!!
I agree with option 5 also, to wake up the sleepers who still believe there was no fraud in the 2020 election and who believe everything is just dandy in our world today and that everything is Trump or Putin’s fault!! It just bacfles me how so many are still oblivious and unaware that we are in the middle of a war???

yes i saw this vdeo this morning.
i dont know which door to take...

I believe in and will fight for freedom! Truth seeker and staunch President Trump supporter! #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🦅
Quite a quandry indeed. I know the scenario I WANT to play out, but my heart tells me that it will be the darkest one (option 5) - because it will be the most impactful. It will, I believe, also be the one that unites humanity ultimately. This scenario will make it abundantly clear who has really been running our world.
We will NEVER forget the events of the coming week.
Whatever comes, we have God, Jesus and each other. How can we ultimately lose?