Villain Unknown
7 months ago

Villain Unknown

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10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?


You know you want to

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

I like this movie so much, i might have to vote Democrat so i keep watching it!

My favorite part was definitely the lock downs and mandated injections and having the opportunity to tell everyone to fnck off.

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

tip to KJB (vid meme)

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

GMO Free - True Blood


10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

SOTU notification at the wrong or right time? You be the judge.

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

Me... right after I created my Truth Social account.... and see my wait # (video meme)

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

Anti First Amendment

Does the organization make sense now

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

Since the mRNA “vaccines” convey Genetic Information into one’s cells, causing the cells’ genetic machinery to translate the Genetic Information and produce antigens.... wouldn’t the entire practice of this procedure, whether you chose or refuse to have it, be protected under Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)?

hoping i see this in a courtroom soon...

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

September 23rd 2021 - CA OSHA Meeting

I found this statement to be disturbing

Rob Moutrie (CalChamber) states (@ 0:35)
“Assuming we are all 100% vaccinated, you know if everything works out, uh by March, um you are still going to have some cases passed around, but they will not be creating the systematic disturbance that COVID has”

So..... California is expected to be 100% vaccinated by March?

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

Sweet! At this rate of action on election fraud, we should totally get the 2020 election reversed by 2030.

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

NZ Herald has an intersting comment regarding a diminished need in the future for baby formula.

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

* New England Journal of Medicine *
“Beyond Politics - Pormoting Covid19 Vaccination in the United States”

here is the DS gameplay manual to coercion. not only is this totally social political, but this vax thing is playing out like “invasion of the body snatchers”.

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

source check a photo before applying emotion to it...

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

how to creat cyborgs

* stage 1 - create bio interface

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

you're worried about vaccines and what the DS is trying to do to you, when they've been genetically modifying your food for years?

if your gonna open your eyes, open them to everyday things that effect you... and start changing there

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

10 out of 10 people die... Do you still feel special?

Q’s next post will be 4954
A=1 B=2 C=3