The best part of this war has been screwing up the enemy's propaganda machine by unemotionally deconstructing their lies.
It takes all the slow methodical discipline of writing 6502 assembler on a computer with only cassette tape storage. The enemy wants to confuse, so oppose them with clarity, one subroutine at a time. I don't think I could do it if I hadn't been raised in the unforgiving information landscape of 1980s home computing.
It requires you to have the big picture and the tiny detail in mind simultaneously. I see a lot of other commentary that looks at the surface events day by day, but there is little drive to understand patterns and systems, thus not much intellectual leverage. It's all about the deeper structures.
Helping deplorables to define the exact reason why the "intellectuals" have their heads stuck up their asses is a lot of fun. They intuitively know, and can kind of state it, but there's a naughty joy in formally describing "clever" arrogant folly.
This post has the makings of a fantastic 80s themed meme. Nerdy, but cool with a Stranger Things vibe! Love ya, Martin!