I have nothing left..
Well I will speak a little different here than others. You have nothing left? is that like a home and belongings? is that inside your heart? are you in a battle in your mind? if belongings are gone...pray and reach out and ask for help..anywhere you can. We have all hit rock bottom at some point. its a bad place to be in. ASK FOR HELP! If in your heart, pray. Pray for God to carry you through these dark times. If you are tired of fighting this spiritual battle thats been going on....step away from the computer, go outside and breathe in fresh air, hug a tree, walk barefoot and listen to the sounds of life. the birds, crickets, etc. if you have animals..play with them....get away from todays negative happenings..love your furbabies, love your children. spend time for you. a warm bubble bath, a drive out in the country, a walk in the park. take time out for you, gather your thoughts, make a plan. you will get there.....most of all..have faith..as hard as that may seem. You are loved!!

Patriot that will forever stand in the side of Real Justice ! Supporting Donald J Trump and Q. Forever together ! We Are The People ! We Win
very well said . we have it all .. we just need to want it to happen ans make it happen.