I would like to take this opportunity to thank Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all of those individuals that laughed me off with name calling and slander as I was silenced as being just a conspiracy Nazi. You thought by silencing me, the world would just forget and move on from your lies and deceit and I would simply stop and go away. Well I did in a way but not the way you hoped for.
I changed. I learned how to mask my messaging. I learned the words, phrases, and memes that the algorithms were looking for so I could bypass them. I and millions of others like me, learned that our beliefs, our research, our message MUST be over the target because why else would you try to silence us. It is after all just a conspiracy theory right. But we can talk about Bigfoot and aliens all we want.
The funny thing about the truth tho is you can hide it all you want but if there are enough people demanding the truth and not giving up, you simply cannot stop it from coming out.
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