A restless ordinary patriot who is tired of Wash DC and is here to fight for Pres. Trump, com hell or high water, and support "The Plan"!

how long ago did u do this?

A restless ordinary patriot who is tired of Wash DC and is here to fight for Pres. Trump, com hell or high water, and support "The Plan"!
Yesterday morning. It went through over night and my balance is $0 but it is showing that I only have $4 available to spend. I will call them and see what’z up!
how did you make out?

A restless ordinary patriot who is tired of Wash DC and is here to fight for Pres. Trump, com hell or high water, and support "The Plan"!
I have to wait a week for them to verify the new account that I used. We’ll see by the end off next week.