🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.

I'm all for vibing high but not at the expense of keeping it real because Truth IS love and telling the Truth IS vibing high. I spent the night awake and upset with you Truth seeker. If I didn't love you so much I would have slept like a baby but I do so I didn't. I'll tell you why but first it's important for you to remember a time when you were kept awake all night for love. If you're lucky your heart has been broken. You can access the feeling of pure anguish that you experienced. It’s lucky because not everyone gets to experience true love. And you're lucky that I love you so much that I am willing to tell you why. This isn't a dialogue. Nor is it a share that I feel any need to hurry. You have free will. If you're not ready to hear the Truth then go somewhere else.


I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication


"Take my Hand, I'll Lead You to Salvation, take my Heart for Love is Everlasting. and remember the Truth that was once told: to Love Another Person is to See the Face of God."
- -Victor Hugo

This Book can be a Spiritual Bridge Across Forever for you and whomever you are referring to. Trust Me. I also have typed it into Word so that I can share it privately with others. I could share it with you, but I would have to share it in 3-4 posts. Let Me Know.

🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

Fire away Captain!

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication

OFF TO SEA, A ROMANCE, By Richard Stine

“We are the bridge across forever, arching above the sea,
adventuring for our pleasure, living mysteries for the fun
of it, choosing disasters, triumphs, impossible odds, testing
our selves over and over again, learning to love and love
and LOVE!” -Richard Bach, The Bridge Across Forever

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

There was a man, there was a woman
They met and were drawn together by a sea of mysterious attraction
And for awhile they both said yes, yes
And they both said no, no
And all was harmonious

Until one day when one said no
And one said yes
And one said yes
And one said no
Then came the anger and then the fighting and then the barriers and
then the isolation and each wondered why?
But there was no answer, so each went away

One went this way and one went that way
And each went off to see

And this is what happened

One walked in the stars
And one walked on the earth
And one went to the end of space
And one went to the end of time

And one went to hell
And one went to heaven
And one had pleasure
And one had pain
And one saw death
And one saw birth

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

And they returned from it all, met again and realized they had both
gone far and experienced much.
And for that they bowed respectfully to each other and lay down
to rest.

And in their Sleep, they Dreamed.

They Dreamed of a Great Sea and from the sea came a Heart
And the Heart grew larger and larger and larger, until it grew so large
it could not be contained.
And it burst into pieces
And every piece became something
And all the pieces became everything

The birds and the clouds
And the trees
And the bugs
And the people
And the cars
And the rocks
And everything else

And for awhile, all were happy
And content to be, to do, to want
And to get

And the dish swam
And the birds flew
And the trees grew
And the people were and wanted and got

But in time, being and doing and wanting and getting were not enough
At last, because of all the unhappiness, a decision was mad to unite again
Each in the Heart, as part of the Heart
And that, by great effort, is what they did.

And the Dream ended

And the man and the woman awakened and knew they had Dreamed the same Dream
And they smiled

Time passed and the man entered himself and found many treasures
And the woman entered herself and found many riches
And by those discoveries, each was strengthened and with that strength the man entered the woman and the woman entered the man

And together, as one
They saw pleasure and pain
Time and space
Heaven and Hell
Birth and Death
And everything else
Unite in their essence

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

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I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

And they were cleansed and deepened beyond themselves
And there they found Love
And by that path they entered the Heart, whose home is in the Great
Sea, whose home is in the Dream...