a simple bottle of water with a 1/4 cup of HCQ in it can break any cold or flue, 8 hours sipping water, next 12 hours are a cure, you’ll still be weak, but ok
@mkatherine64 on the twitter, until I was suspended.
Robb, did you post the homemade "uncle Dannys " hydroxyclorquine recipe earlier?? if so can you send it to me.
Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word
No it’s what I learned from AU, a long time ago, simply 3 grapefruit and lemon peels. boil, covered simmered for 3 hours, don’t remove the lid until it cools because you’ll release quinine in steam
Patriotic Christian Mom & Wife seeking refuge from 2nd Twitter expulsion. Same handle.....
I started making it last winter and did the same thing. Froze it in smaller batches so I could thaw it out when I needed it. My college age daughter accepted some -her and her roommates shared it along with quercetin and got them over whatever they felt like they were dying from within a couple days ❤️
Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word
Gave a bottle to my son’s girlfriend, she was sick, but because she remained very sick figured they flushed it