This REALLY is quite amazing 👇
It's only 4:55 long.
BTW, Kim died before
Trump was President!

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...

He died just after Trump became president, Nov 23 2016

Love his prophecies ❤️ He talks about President Trump and at the end how he defeats the goliath with a simple stone. Research his connection to the stone. BIBLICAL#God WINS

DJT is still President! Constitutional Patriot, Back Blue & Military, Dog Lover, History Nerd. Pray for DJT like your life depends on it.
Kim Clements prophecies are amazing! I have listened to many of them to do with President Trump.


Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots
Kim Clement - I was in meetings he had back in the day. He was/is the absolute 'REAL DEAL!' His prophecies were accurate! and I wept several days the week he died., I loved and was amazed by his musicianship as well, since I am also a musician! He was a true man of God!

Did he die? Or was he..... you know.

Q from the 1st drop! JohnFKennnedy JR followed me on Twitter, @RealDonaldTrump=RealPresidentof USA‼️🇺🇸PRINCE 4 Eva💋☔️☔️☔️🏎🏎💟☮️💜
2 TERMS🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯

Im watching a Kim Clement video right now. I enjoy Treys's videos very much. I also like to listen to Amanda Grace. Check her out on youtube

Owner/Proprietor of Alice's Restaurant at The End Of The Universe

Righteousness 1Peter 4:12-13 The same yesterday, today and forever Hebrews 13:8 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation Luke 2:30
I know some people might think Trey Smith is strange, but he's actually really on top of his game. Creatively smart man and he talked about this prophecy in a little bit more detail, with his unique "style" of presentation.
I like that 4min 55 second one cuz it gets right to the point, though if you have 45 minutes and haven't seen this, check it out. Also on his YT channel, there are more thought provoking videos available.

"A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of a sheep" Vernon Linwood Howard
I love Trey Smith. He is one of a kind for sure...LOL

Elisa> E-Li-Sa > Promotor of the light of the holy temple

I am a dedicated Trump supporter I love listening to Santa Surfing and following Q crumbs hungry like Sammy the squirrel for info. ]:P
just days after Trump was elected November 24th 2016 R.I.P. Kim [:(

Christian...Family...Nurse....Grateful for this Country and my fellow Patriots! Keep up the good fight!


WORLDWIDE - Love is only truly Unconditional
I believe Kim saw President Trump win the election before he passed, but I'm not completely sure. On 23rd of Nov (happens to be my birthday). I heard his daughter Donne mention how Kim seemed to know it was his time to go, as well as one or two other prophetics. I can't remember their names.

Red Pilled after an Oct 28 event. Christian and imperfect. Still learning, question EVERYTHING. What I know I know always willing to help.
the Bible states to everything there is a season. Its in Eccleastes (sp). becasue its always preached at funerals, its considered doom and gloom. its NOT!! its a balanced equation. we “perciece” the “good” and the “bad”, but it IS balanced. i believe Kim Clement was here for a season. his season ended and he went to Gods reward and heard “well done My son”. IMHO

so incredibly miraculous. i just watched that whole teaching with Kim last night, phew, mind blown, faith increased!

The Biden Administration doesn't care about us
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