I think you will grin at my turning the tables... Donald Trump would be proud of me for doing my best to get even in a big way! https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/law-vs-witchcraft-which-will-win?sd=pf
Law vs Witchcraft: which will win? - by Martin Geddes
The desire to dominate others via narrative is Satanic as it opposes divine rights
I watched the Gunnels interview addressing this and other topics.
My wish is to be very circumspect. Which is a bit hard, considering I’ve waited a long time to see just who was going to be tasked with putting this message forth.
I want to be encouraging, w/o being overwhelming. Sitting on my hands, so to speak, so as not to look the total loon.
I recognize the message and I’m impressed by the choice of the messenger. I always knew it would be one unencumbered by the institution. That it is someone who can separate their own agenda from the message? Shouldn’t surprise me, but so far, you’ve managed. It’s a difficult task for most.
I pray for your heart. I pray for your mind. You have lobbed a spear into the den and they are not happy. Be aware that shining the light for others also sets a beacon for the enemy.
People, be mindful of this warrior. Pray for him. The dragons are real.