A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
Alcohol and Ascension do not go together.
One is about raising frequency and consciousness, while the other is about dropping your vibration and inviting demons to take over the vessel.
There’s a reason why the hardest liquor is called “Spirits,” you’re literally extracting the essence of the soul to disconnect from the body and allowing demonic spirits to take over.
People’s personality change on alcohol, it’s because you’re dealing with a demon now.
The Kabal knows what it is doing with legalizing this drink and making it socially acceptable to invite demons into your temple. https://t.me/davidebergeseQ/61163
Additionally, as Conscious Spiritual Awareness is integrated within the physical body (balancing Ego and Spirit within the Soul) and all forms of fear are less and less, the vibration of the physical cells will not accept alcohol or any drug.
Drinking a glass of wine or beer (as mentioned in the comments) will not resonate with the body. The effects will become apparent to the point that one will no longer have the desire.
I've known many who smoke weed or ingest THC and believe, in their high / altered feel good state, that they are closer to Source / God. This is a temporary state of being and nothing like the Real deal!
Ascension is a State of Awakened Consciousness.
It has nothing to do with any religion nor political / global awareness.