Please pray for my husband Jim. He had a surgery 2 years ago, and his spine is fused from his neck down to his tail bone. The surgery did not help, he is in a lot of pain all the time. Getting worse. His Parkinsons does not help. I hope he will be mobile again, now he just sits in a chair all the time. His sleeping is a big problem too, insomnia. I know he will not get younger, but maybe he can be free of pain!
Please anybody who can, help me heal him with a prayer. I've been praying and praying, all by myself. That will be wonderful! Thank you !
Thank you all for prayers, you lovely people. Jim now is struggling w/ shortness of breath, I think it is his heart. It is possible he is in less pain, hard to tell, as he can only walk a little, then he is out of breath. Will call the doc tomorrow, but what do they know? They are Scary people, all they want is to give you more pills.
And the hospitals are the worst! Last time at the hospital, they injected him w/4 diff antibiotics (preventively? who heard of such a thing), then insisted to transfer him to another hospital with the right diagnostic equipment. Inspite of me protesting. They thought he had infectious encephalitis and he could have died from it. That was Friday, the test they performed was done on Tuesday? So if that was infectious encephalitis, he would have died by Tue waiting for test and treatment.
By the time they done the test that particular issue was gone and many others appeared. 10 days of agony, he was lucky to survive that and 2 more month to recover fro