🔥🔥Worth a rewatch for those newly awake. I thought this was funny the first time I saw it... different feelings now.#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#wwg1wga
Never gets old
Christian, Patriot, Anon, Musician - my song on YT "Prodigal Child by Alicia Maria"- WWG1WGA - 40+yrs cleansings & demonologist work
Near enough every one in that room is toast
Twit contact ELM 23 @inittogether23 In a happy relationship with my handsome #save the children #freejulianassange #Trump2023
God fearing Texan and proud Deplorable Diva! Lover of faith, family, friends and dogs! God always wins! WWG1WGA
I have watched this no less that 20 times🤣🤣🤣
I love this clip! Can't count how many times I've seen it!