Do you think the Military is in control right now?
*bc I can't tell how many people take the poll, please like this post, too. Thanks!
We've seen instances of CGI & Biden's, masks, clones & doubles, soldiers' testimony re rescuing children from tunnels & recovering dead bodies from tunnels & eyewitness testimony of Satanic ritual & more
We've been told constantly that this is a movie
There's quantum computing, time travel, historical photos indicating information that has been covered up, photos of books held in Tibet & other places, claims that there are 700 or so books of the Bible & that there are over 600 natural cures- all hidden from us, Lots of evidence that the cabal wants to exterminate 7 billion of us, from wars, to GMOs to chemtrails to Big Harma to poisonous 'drugs & vaccines to harmful frequencies & so on. We saw the take down of the Georgia Guidestones & we have Durham & all the whistleblowers coming forward. We know the truth about all the phony, false, (desperate-Dem-DS) attacks on Pres Trump.
Yeah someone is in control. Military & the Q team.