Um ...... not ok with this ......................
USDA Begins Airdropping Rabies Vaccines in 13 States
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has started airdropping millions of rabies vaccine packets in thirteen states, with airplanes and helicopters used for distribution from Maine to Alabama.
Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
so what f'ing scamdemic will they make up next as a result of this? no guarantees this will be consumed by the intended population (not that their vaxxines work - they're just one oef their eugenics programs). this is so sick. how long is this f'ing plan going to continue?
Yep, 'wait for What?' ... who's going to make right these wrongs? Who knows what they're spraying for sure - could be 'giving it to animals' like they do w/ Chemsprays giving people diseases.
Those 'winning' a basketball game "run out the clock" b/c they've already won, but in this case, it looks like the Enemy is winning and using 'the wait' game till the game ends. Total Control?