On spiritual growth. https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/in-pursuit-of-the-ideal-or-ideology?sd=pf
In pursuit of the ideal or ideology? - by Martin Geddes
Watch now (4 min) | Spiritual growth comes from ever closer identification with the whole
https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/in-pursuit-of-the-ideal-or-ideology?sd=pfUS LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
The process of shedding former ideas, outlooks - and associations - is, I think, what has attracted this AU group into online proximity.
My circle of in person association is small, tiny in fact, the digital association much larger.
It has been my experience, that those choosing (nicer than assuming they are incapable), to maintain the ideas, and outlooks I have chosen to abandon, are the ones who also choose to disassociate from me.
This has been an interesting phenomenon. I believe they think I will be so bereft without them, I will abandon the knowledge I have, renounce it, and, revert to the state they never left.
They do not understand, that, once you see it, are aware of it, (that 'it' of the manipulation of us all) you can NEVER go back.
I continue on, hoping they will have their moment of clarity, that opening of the opaque window, and, join me again.
Fighting the fight to save my kids, grandkids and their grandchildren. Removed from FB and twitter - consider it a badge of honor
very well said
Exactly what I was thinking.