Long talk with liberal neighbor, he says the republicans are setting up changes (allegedly fraudulently) to midterms to basically cheat. I stopped him and asked, how can you deny and destroy people for questioning 2020 when you are already questioning 2022 vote? He stumbled, no answer, and went about his orange man bad philosophy.
I can not wait any longer for this slow roll out to continue. People need truth thrown straight in their lives yesterday! This movie sucks, imo.
disclosure happened
there is no disclosure to wait for
everybody has 100% intuition if they choose to listen to it.
people are not waiting for disclosure. the truth has been sitting in front of their face for years.
they are choosing not to listen.
they say seeing is believing but that is wrong. believing is seeing. once they trust their intuition and believe, they will see everything.
until then, they are clutching to their ego which is filled with low vibration dungeon programming courtesy of media, government, and other babylonian institutions.

The ONLY thing on my bucket list is to meet + HUG all involved in #THEGREATAWAKENING (Q know who Q are). God bless every one. Exodus 8
"believing is seeing"

Be ready to stand alone in this world. Truth never stands with the majority.
Hit´s the point exactly. 👍