Isn't this the path of the image VK told us to save for later? Does anyone have It?
Get prepped and stay safe Florida Patriots.
Remember it's flood waters and storm surge that are the most dangerous element with these so if you are on the coast or in a low lying area, please get out of town.
If inland and out of a flood zone, take the high winds very seriously. Downed trees can come down through roofs and or if low pressure blows out your windows, all hell breaks loose inside. Make sure you have a central room without windows, stocked that your family can hunker down in, radio, blankets, flashlights and especially SHOES (may have to run over broken glass or hot wires- so rubber bottoms-sneakers) for everyone and a bug-out bag in case you have to make a run for safe shelter.

Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.

It Seems it should go to Louisiana, another Catrina?? if it hits near the refineries it could send the economy down and push inflation up.
That assumes the DS is steering it and controlling the intensity as well.
Do you know who is in control of it, if anyone?
It should not go anywhere as no matter where there are bad things happening, good people live there too.
Wish these on NO ONE. I wish them on NO ONE.
That said, if the good guys have control of weather war weapons and accept that there are casualties in war, I would think, from everything I have learned about this one, they may go for McDill at the tip of St. Petes in Tampa. The DS Military there is ground zero for mind control tech psyops.
If the bad guys have control, they will aim towards conservative counties, the panhandle or even Sarasota whose big money supports republican candidates. . Speaking of Sarasota, has a dark nest parasitizing on the high energy of the quartz crystal beach, vortex and the high vibers drawn to it. It's also an Anunaki stronghold.
I pray for Divine intervention, that all stay safe and the wicket repent.