Why it has to be a bit shit. https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/the-paradox-of-change-is-upon-us?sd=pf
The paradox of change is upon us - by Martin Geddes
Watch now (2 min) | It has to get really bad soon in order to get really good later
https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/the-paradox-of-change-is-upon-us?sd=pfLove it! Thanks Martin for the video! That is exactly on point or should I say Spot on my friend! If we don't "grab these sleepers" by the shit and shake them they will NEVER "listen" to GOD...Good Orderly Direction! They have to be either scared to their very core or shaken to their core or maybe Solar Flared into the dark ages or 10 days of darkness or whatever? But something has to rattle their cages and maybe ours too to be in a postion to receive some good direction and advice from someone (I"m hoping with a White Hat and a Good Heart) to re make our planet and our lifestyles and our relationships and what work we want to do that makes us happy and helps others...I'm as ready as I'm going to be bring it on! WWG1WGA! 17