Ex-military, older than i feel..love God, my family, my country, and my planet

I guess it’s not sideways! Ha!

At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!

I have a US Patent.
Only followers of this user (@Gapatriot3) can see their posts

Just one of many projects: Wrote & implemented a machine control program in the late 90's to route Saturn Corp. monorail transmission carriers from a serial incoming line to 3 parallel test stands after the 3rd stand was added. Multiple carriers in each stand's lane. Made it dynamic no matter the lane counts, trans rejected or special needs/circumstances to decrease stand empty/wait times. Used Boolean algebra to simplify the logic. Cost savings win.
Also created a bond with my rescue wolf. Shown here standing guard while I worked in the shed. 🤗🐺😎

I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️
A Good sign having more comments than likes on a post like this.
The people here surprise me more and more each day.
Bless you Patriots=1282
Here Is Where It Calls For Endurance On The Part Of The Holy Ones Those Who Keep The Commandments Of God And Hold Fast To The Faith Of Jesus=1282
Blessed Are Those Who Wash Their Robes So That They May Have The Right To The Tree Of Life And That They May Enter The City By The Gates=1282
The Global Consciousness Needs To Be Glowing With Positive Thoughts Joy And Energy And We Will Defeat All Evil And Media Manipulation=1282
Once The Full Extent Of Jewish Betrayal And Hostility Towards America Is Realized The World Will Never Go Back To These Sad Ways Again=1282
Blessed Be God And The Father Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Who Has Blessed Us With Every Spiritual Blessing In Heavenly Places In Christ=1282

#ibelieve All can benefit by living your best balanced life! “Go boldly in the direction of your dreams...live the life you imagined! ♥️🇺🇸

Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
puched/drilled drainage holes, I hope?

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
Stream High Priest by wht | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Stream High Priest by wht on desktop and mobile. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.
🇨🇦‘s For Trump 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Kindred Spirits✨ #The Great Awakening #WWG1WGAWW #TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins #JfkJrLives

imagine what anon island will accomplish with all the talent here!

Unvaxxed. Unmasked. Untested. Unafraid. God wins! I have been singing about corruption for 40 years. I will never give up!

God, Family, Country avid reader, lover of red pandas, cats and dachshunds, veteran
catching up while travelling...
I feel I did pretty well with these two God entrusted into my care. (so sort of what i have made, lol)
Now that they are both on their own, i find myself doing things backwards - moving to a large rural property at an older age with cows, a huge dog, and several rescue cats now under my wing. always been a suburb girl with little desire for large animals or land to manage, but apparently this is my next job given to my care. it is beautiful and am coming to appreciate it more and more. BIG learning curve!!!

Patriot Pup🐶helping my Patriot Peeps 👩🏼👨🏼fight for our Constitutional Republic 🇺🇸WWG1WGA🐸 Trump Patriots ❤️🇺🇸💙
What fun it has been to go through all the posts and see how much creativity is collectively here. AI is gonna be spectacular!😍 This speaks to my soul. I love to paint and have painted a lot of furniture. Creating is my therapy and I LOVE color! It makes me so happy. 🎨 I love taking old, castaway pieces and making them beautiful. Turning trash to treasure as the saying goes. 🤍🙏🏻

Christian 🛡Women and children safety instructor 🛡Patriot WWG1WGA

Break free of the illusion. We are Light! 🌟 Time to soar! 🎶❤💫 Pro: men & women with souls. Unity & peace among us.
Entertaining, crafting and gardening. ♥️

I Am a Teacher, mom, grandma, vibrational energy healer committed to unite and heal this planet one ❤️at a time 🙏❤️💫 #GodWins #wwg1wga
I love seeing all of your talents! 💜
After, Norm, my husband, died it threw me into my own healing. I immersed myself into learning holistic and energy healing methods that were magical for my life. I connected to Holy Spirit, retired from 34 years of teaching and created a healing business.


my granddaughter LOVES flowers. These are some that she planted and took care of by herself in her moms garden. My little flower child.

Patriot, Conservative, Prayer Warrior, PureBlood! ...Love & Gratitude ... Kind heart, fierce mind, brave spirit !
OMG .. what a sweetie! Good job, nana! Awesome! 😇

God is everything, literally. Blessed, married, mom x2, ❤️USA, Trump, military, patriots ,MAGA. 🤬 pedos commies & traitors of ALL stripes
She is an absolute angel ❤️😇

Wife of AF vet for almost 25 years, homeschool mom, author. Child of God, patriot. God bless the USA! Love books, chocolate #savethechildren
Unfortunately, I'm not writing currently, but this is my 2nd book.

We the People 🇺🇸 Knowledge Is Power✨ God is a frequency tune in 🔊 God Wins ❤️

Author, Audio Book Narrator, Former Liberal. Patriot.
I spent from June-September making "TRUMP WON" stickers w/my massive sticker & marker collection. I put up THOUSANDS in my hood. Every time I walked my dog was a sticker run, 4-6x daily.
Drove libs NUTS! They pulled them down & defaced them daily. I tore their insults down, & kept stickering. Arts & crafts & ACTIVISM! My next phase is LEE ZELDIN stickers. NYC.

𝓘𝐚𝓶𝕕ᒏ𝐚𝛈𝐠𝐠𝛉 From the Bayou System of Texas I am. From wise Simian race, we come. Like Water be. Dark knowledge we seek. #WWG1WGA

Just an old lady living on a beautiful lake who loves her husband, her freedom and her President Donald J. Trump! God Bless America!
WOWZA! You better start looking for a bigger island to hold all of us and our craft spaces. What a talented bunch! I work with mixed media and paper. Nice to hide in my happy place and create. HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
I havent really created anything 😂 I've spent all my time, with you all, and my fam. I guess I turnd my shed into a chicken coop, I am so impressed with the levels of creativity in this group of patriots. Great door to open VK.

Mom, g'ma, believer, caregiver, I stop in to get truth and relieve stress. Thanks to all you brave souls!
Every. Single. Day. You, Sir, create a space for all of us to reflect on and rejoice in our spiritual heritage. You lovingly remind us of who we are and where we came from! Keep up the Good and Godly work!

God Won! Love & Family will always be everything! You are all family! Grandparents of 11
Thoughts are being creative Jason🤔😍

Discernment is critical.

I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.
I suppose I am not surprised that so much love creates beauty. Our AU family is LOVE!