Truth Vibes . 🇺🇸
The Great Awakening ☀️
WE R AWAKE &#wwg1wga 🦅
Those who drink for the buzz bigger than the day before know there's a reality out there but don't want to accept it and chose to stay in the matrix drunk... They call them alcoholics but really the folks are just too frickin' lazy to break away from their cheap thrills. SO they allow Love, Families, to
be second fiddle when it comes to their buzz so they can escape each day instead of truly escaping. Functioning alcoholics put everything second to their daily buzz. A cold beer is good and cold, but to be drunk with power like what we ARE watching, OUR Great Blessed Leaders ARE dealing with makes my challenge of being awake with a functioning alcoholic a walk in the park.
I Chose To Stand Awake On The Right Side Of History With Father God, Jesus
And You.
You ARE My Family. 💕🙏💕🌼