well the scripted movie i would assume mean scripture..tale as old as time ..and You are watching a movie? maybe remote viewing..because let me tell you i have been remote viewing alot and bbn it accrued to me that not only was my pops name Peter Pete Hyita he was born in Moore Ut he grew up in Carbon County. .Aka Legends Of Carbon County in Dragerton Aka East Carbon ,he also lived in Moab Ut and that is where he met my momma...Alice Quetta & she was born in Delta Ut. Haha and he was also a master Electrician & That area is called Castle Valley..To me he was a legend i like to call him Atlas
and after is closed I lost the house i bought from my parents and it happens to be 145 years old it was a corner lot ...those were dark days for my family and it just so happens that the people i lost the house to one of their names was Jeffrey Q Wangsgard 😳🧐🤪 oh and my husband's name Is Joseph hahaha Joseph C .S. . My pops was a twin and he passed away in August..he fell into a coma on 8/02/2020 At home where i cared for him after many strokes and he lingered tell the 5th of August 8/05/2020 during the Lions Gate Portal. 5 leos in the family and passed away on the 5th and the Leo is the 5 zo