Jill Biden's first huband...
- Stevenson said that he introduced Jill and Joe in 1972.
-At the time, Joe was a council member campaigning for the U.S. Senate, and was married to his first wife, Neilia.
-'I introduced Joe to Jill in 1972. Right before the election, in '72,
-Neilia Biden would die four months later, in a car crash in December 1972.
-Stevenson said he first suspected Biden and Jill were having an affair in August 1974. He was then 26, Jill was 23 and Joe was 31.
Jill Biden's first husband calls Joe a hypocrite for 'picking on people's character' after affair | Daily Mail Online
Bill Stevenson, 72, spoke to Inside Edition for a Monday night interview, and claimed once again that the Bidens' story of meeting and falling in love in 1975 was not the truthful version of events.
Biden is a liar and told "stories" that a man "who drank his lunch" killed his wife and daughter. I've read a few different articles with various narratives. One of the articles I read a few years ago alluded to the fact that his wife was drunk and that Joe had something to do with the accident. It also mentioned that Beau and Hunter were not suppose to survive the accicent. (I've been searching for the same article with no luck so far.)
Always Remember Joe Biden Misled Everyone About Wife's Death, Blamed Innocent Man for Years
'A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly...drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch,' Biden said of the truck driver who accidentally killed his wife.