" It was going to take an even more exalted personage to solve the mystery. The reporter dialed the phone number of Rep. Howard Coble (R-N.C.), a 33rd Degree Mason. “It’s a real first-class organization,” Coble says of Masonry. “If people conducted their lives along the way the Mason code is spelled out, there would be far fewer problems, far more solutions and far less chaos,” Coble says.
Ordo Ab Chao: Order out of chaos. He’s alluding to the Masonic credo. Now we’re getting somewhere.
The reporter presses for explanation. Coble demurs. “I can’t speak more openly than that,” he said. “I don’t want to get drummed out of the lodge.” https://www.politico.com/story/2009/09/in-search-of-the-hills-freemasons-027639
In search of the Hill's Freemasons - POLITICO
How many present-day members of Congress are Masons? And is any member also a Knight Templar?