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" It was going to take an even more exalted personage to solve the mystery. The reporter dialed the phone number of Rep. Howard Coble (R-N.C.), a 33rd Degree Mason. “It’s a real first-class organization,” Coble says of Masonry. “If people conducted their lives along the way the Mason code is spelled out, there would be far fewer problems, far more solutions and far less chaos,” Coble says.
Ordo Ab Chao: Order out of chaos. He’s alluding to the Masonic credo. Now we’re getting somewhere.
The reporter presses for explanation. Coble demurs. “I can’t speak more openly than that,” he said. “I don’t want to get drummed out of the lodge.”
In search of the Hill's Freemasons - POLITICO
How many present-day members of Congress are Masons? And is any member also a Knight Templar?
Kind of out there - but looking at pics of Ghislaine Maxwell from early years to today - does anyone else notice that her features and physique are very..."masculine" ? Starting to wonder.

Heard on Nino's podcast earlier today Juan said the new drops were not legit. Lin Wood implied the same the night they were posted. McAfee's TG account also said the same. Consensus appears to be forming. Good - tired of these fake psyops. Too many Paytriots driving the narratives and throwing hissy fits when anyone tries to counter or create "division". I miss the old Anon days of extreme vetting / trial by combat. No one is above scrutiny.

Why post this information ? Because we must not blindly "follow the stars". Even three stars. Do I necessarily accept any of this as absolute ? No. But there are a lot of things since the election that have not added up, the American Project's Maricopa audit being one of them. Who runs the America Project ? What are their backgrounds ? ideological beliefs ? History with intelligence agencies and running Psyops ? Close connections with known deep state operatives and the MI complex ? A final report that refused to mention fraud or recommend decertification. Promises of bombshell Kinematic Artifact evidence that never materialized. Critical data withheld from some members of the audit efforts. Cyber Ninjas disappearing once questions started to be asked. Millions of dollars raised in donations and appearance fees. Statements that POTUS "quit". All of which amounts to what ? Disinfo, Opsec and stalling of real legislative or legal action. To what ends ?

Elizabeth Claire Prophet / Michael. Flynn.

Dig into General McChrystal, connections to the Flynn Intelligence Group. What did POTUS have to say about McChrystal ?

How many years was General Flynn in the military when he retired ? 33 years ? Same number of years Lindsey Graham served. That's a very specific number. I'd be interested in a dig on other well known military figures who also retired after 33 years. That number's connected to a specific level attained in a secret society that's also known for using specific handshakes to show membership, and has allegiances to UK royalty / "worshipful masters" . Ask questions, do research. Trust but verify. "Disinfo is necessary" can work both ways. Draw your own conclusions.

4. One of Flynn's major promoters, Clay "Re Awaken America tour" Clark's original book cover is ... interesting to say the least. Masonic symbolism, vow of silence ? Those appear to be reoccurring themes running through the symbolism of Clay's early publications. "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open."

3. Will Flynn run in 2024 ? Maybe. Has to ask his wife. Odd that there's zero mention of POTUS or the election fraud of 2020.
WATCH: Michael Flynn Says That He Might Run for President in 2024
One of the few pieces of advice Barack Obama gave Donald Trump was to watch out for General Michael Flynn. Trump did the opposite, making Flynn his first National Security Adviser. The 45th president had to fire Flynn less than a month later. And Flynn has certainly made some interesting choices sin..
2. Patrick Byrne. The America Project. Sidney Powell.
Sydney Powell Vernon jones General Flynn working with DEEP STATE?
1. Since there appears to be some ..confusion.. about how to expand replies or threads on Anonup, here are a few specific links posted in a lengthy series of replies to a post last night. These links provide some of the background info referred to. There's way more out there. Follow Lin Wood or David Clemens on Telegram and do your homework. "Total nonsense". What happened to WWG1WGA ?

Juan O' Savin. Best single resource on all things "the plan" (other than the drops) I've found yet. Self professed "Boat Man" , esoteric history expert (the REAL history that is), military expert, intel agency insider, friend of Bill Cooper after crossing paths professionally. One hell of a story, one hell of a man.