Q gives you enough to press on and hold the line without the ability to pinpoint future events with regards to dates and times. Often times, drops make perfect sense after events have already happened in time. An encouragement, rather than a predicter. Imagine if the enemy had the roadmap? Just know that all movies end eventually, and with regards to game theory, there are only a limited set of future possible moves left as the game concludes.

Christian 🛡Women and children safety instructor 🛡Patriot WWG1WGA
i gotta funny feeling about Rush
so many times through the past 30 yrs i would think... how come he cant really see it? how does he get to stay on? where is the ok coming from to let him stay on air? now pence is welcomed into the Herotage Foundation.
i gotta sick feeling
needles to say
drain it
i trust Lin Wood
Im wondering if Pence is hoing to be the biggest psyop of them all. Just cant make up my mind about him.