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olga sedlmaierová
olga sedlmaierová
17 hours ago

olga sedlmaierová

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Douglas MacGregor odhaluje, že Ukrajina se právě vzdala a Rusko právě vyhrálo válku! (1.díl)... - YouTube

Další komentář není potřeba.

🇷🇺🔥🔥🔥A police convoy crashed on the D6 highway: Four soldiers ended up in hospital

‼One small car and three discarded Pandoras. 😵😫
⚡ This will probably be the Russian heel column in action 😅🤣

❗In the morning, the armed forces of Ukraine attacked a temporary accommodation facility for evacuees from flooded areas in the Kherson region. One woman was killed, Kherson region governor Volodymyr Saldo said.

❗Ozbrojené síly Ukrajiny v ranních hodinách zaútočily na dočasné ubytovací zařízení pro evakuované osoby ze zatopených oblastí v Chersonské oblasti. Jedna žena zahynula, uvedl gubernátor Chersonské oblasti Volodymyr Saldo.

SHAMAN — ГИМН РОССИИ (премьера клипа 2022, официальное аудио) - YouTube

Родные, в День Конституции Российской Федерации, хочу представить вам главную песню страны. Слушайте мою версию Государственного гимна России на всех цифровы...

Waiting for the Trump card... Supporting General Flynn⭐️⭐️⭐️... #wwg1wga Truth Social:

I've posted this yesterday and nobody shared it... Now please don't get me wrong, I personally do not need shares or likes, to me that is not what AU is about, AU is about spreading the truth, unfortunately the truth is not always what we like, but IMHO it must be made known...

This docu is about grooming in schools, this is happening now, in our schools, with our kids... [They] are trying — and to some extent succeeding — to destroy our kids, I think it's worth a share no matter how inconvenient it is, so here it is again... 🙏

Tucker Carlson...

⚠️"Transgressive - The Cult of Confusion - Tucker Carlson Originals"⚠️

"Last night, I was honored when Sidney Powell called me and asked me to serve as lead counsel for her in defending the frivolous defamation lawsuit filed against her by Dominion. I quickly accepted. Get ready to rumble, Dominion. You made a mistake suing Sidney. You are going to pay a heavy price. Sidney and I will not be intimidated. We will not go quietly in the night. Hey Dominion, I will see you and your employees and officers soon as truth is pursued and established. I will see you across the table where you will be subjected to a thorough and sifting cross-examination under oath. I know how to deal with legal bullies like you. Check my record.

- Lin "

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩‍💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

Warning, this content is shocking!! Hi guys, theres a study about morgellons and what this whole pandemic might be all about. They just hide it. There you will also find suggestions how to treat it and get better. Read it.