3 years ago


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In response WORLDANON .COM to her Publication

more closely connected than you can possibly imagine. Violence is always the last choice. It must always be the last choice, because once the gates have been opened, they will not be closed until every river, lake, stream, and road runs red. WE who have been there, seen that, done that, understand that. YOU DO NOT! You think there will be a Civil War in your front yards, and you're impatience is deafening, because you cannot possibly comprehend what the violence is. You don't know to open your mouth and exhale all air to avoid having your lungs collapse when the percussions begin. You know none of this, and all of us pray you never have to learn.

- You can censor me, ban me, turn off the electricity, Internet, water, all of it, but we are all prepared, and we are more than you can imagine. We are connected in ways you cannot understand, and we are ready, willing, and able, but we are all PRAYING DESPERATELY for miracles, because there is no going back.

In response WORLDANON .COM to her Publication

hoping to never have to do them again, but I will.

- I've lived my life. I've met death at the front door dozens if not hundreds of times. Death does not scare me; facing it, or causing it. I do not go looking for fights, but I have never, and will never run from one, regardless of the odds. The Few, The Proud, First In, Last to Leave, and Leave No One Behind. Semper Fidelis!

- Throughout history it has ALWAYS taken as little as 1% of the people to actually overcome evil, fight and win the battles, and we are due for this battle regardless of how peaceful you, I, or they want it to be.

- The biggest empires throughout history have fallen because the smallest minority had enough. HUGE EMPIRES, China, The Great Wall, Romans, Mayans, Egyptians, and of course our own Independence.

- Many of you think social media has censored all of us veterans, defenders, and that we are not united, and we are not capable of amassing a defense and offense. YOU ARE ALL GREATLY MISTAKEN! We are

In response Data Gramma to her Publication


In response STL Anon to his Publication

M1A2 Abrams tanks
M88A2 Hercules armored recovery vehicle
M2A3 Bradley fighting vehicles
They're all freshly painted, so they're either going overseas for the Marines, or it's regular transportation via rail. They move these every week. Videos of these movements from one side of the U.S. to the other have been around for a long time. It's normal. They can't transport them any other way, as they're too heavy.

In response P.Q.Anon PCP to her Publication
In response Silenced Patriot to his Publication

We have to. You are right! We have to all come together.

In response Cheri Lee KS to her Publication

...and why aren't there hundreds, thousands of patriots there to defend our rights to a fair and open election?

but they didn't.

In response Coz to his Publication
In response Coz to his Publication


In response walker Fast to his Publication
