Patriot Girl
@PatriotGirl50Previously on Twitter @PeaceBabyPeace. #Patriot #wwg1wga #MAGA #Trump #SaveTheChildren

Robert Travers
@Robert1957Staunch Conservative. Political activist. God loving Patriot. Proud Texan.

Shane Browning
@ShaneBrowningTravel * Music Sk8Boarding 🛹 ** Baseball⚾️ Family Is Everything LO VE *+*

@H3LLYWQQD_DEFECTQR((JOHN 21:25)) *ORIGINAL GLOW GIRL (Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling) *Star of TV reality show "Wife, Mom, Bounty Hunt...

@stormis_usVeteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • Trump 2024 Ordained by God.

Truth Seeker - ..
@Truthseeker09"Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, fore...

✨ Trumpette 17 ..
@Trumpette17Hi FRENS 🐸! I Love God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, family, friends & frens, POTUS & FLOTUS and the USA! #GodBlessAmer...

Nunya Business
@AAug22#WWG1WGA I don't even rank as a private but I consider myself a digital fighter cuz fook evil asshats. #FamilyIsEveryth...

Debbie Foolmeon..
@WhattheactualFisgoingon... to be a successful soldier, you have to know history. GS Patton. 👍🏼🇺🇸🙏🏽

EyeDrop Media
@EyeDropMediaEyeDropMedia 👁🗨 💧 #WWG1WGA 🎬 #DarkToLight 🔥🔥🔥 Follow back...ReUnite...Together we are Strong.

Grasshopper TAF..
@GrasshopperTAFKAGPlease JOIN me Gab:@benjamin1978 DM me so I RECOGNIZE you from twitter,FOLLOW you back and BUILDUP BETTER/STRONGER thén ...

JFK Jr Fan
@JFKJrFan🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.

Cee Cee©️
@The_exceptionDigital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more