luther renfroe
17 hours ago

luther renfroe

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seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

portal, wormhole or stargate-?

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

real hidden mayan artifacts

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

real hidden mayan artifacts

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

portal, wormhole or stargate-?

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1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary

INSIDE THE STORM⚡️, [27.4.2024 19:32]⚡️

They have helped thousands of worlds. Earth is unique in that they have chosen to incarnate among us for thousands of years and when Ascension occurs for Earth we will have a brand new 5D Planet.

Everyone shifts together, and the starseeds return to their origins, staying in the Radiance for as long as they want. Starseeds are likely to have children. Everyone will be reunited in the Radiance, with a full understanding of how everyone is connected.

No more aging, death or reincarnation. Maximum health. Improved bodies with many new abilities.

People are equal. Genetic differences that existed thousands of years ago in one altered bloodline became mixed in the population. As souls, we have all incarnated into every possible human form.

Don't lose hope, because we are next in line.

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

what do you think-???

🇺🇸 Gene Decode
All the planets are getting global climate change.
Where does our energy come from?
The Sun
which gets its energy from the Central Sun.
There’s this big energy grid
flowing through all Creation
as we come into that infrared barrier
the energy of our Sun goes up & up & up.
When it gets to a certain point it’s like a resonation oscillator
the field collapses to the core
that’s what they call “The Event.”
It’s already in process of starting to go up octaves in the core
that’s why the energy’s going up on Earth
& all the other planets
& then it blows outward
& it wraps around each planet causing it to lift up too.
& the cabal has known about it
& been trying to hijack it to be a negative event

♥️God, Family & Love Animals, Trump Q & Anon Fan, Hoping & Praying for a Better World🙏Here to Learn, Share and Help Wake Up Others💖WWG1WGA

IT HAS ALREADY BEGUN - Timelines are splitting between the 2 realities

We feel ourselves getting further away from those who have unconsciously chosen old reality

We can no longer relate to them, understand them and sometimes even communicate with them

It is almost as if we are living in different realities, different planets and are part of a different species.

In many ways we are becoming a different species, living in a different reality. We are leaving the reality of homo sapiens and entering the reality of homo luminous (an awakened, light being.)

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Watching this play out….
Tucker was affiliated with
Comet Ping Pong Pizza.

The CGI is unrealistically making him
look way too young and perfect.
Although like many,
has not appeared on the list of accountability.

I believe all media assets are still being
utilized to quietly continue to
wake up the brainwashed mind controlled masses of people.

God please expose every pedo ever known!

How much longer, for those who
have known, cried, prayed,


Four years ago we were invited to the
White House for my birthday….
to photograph
White House Squirrels and the
Lincoln Memorial on
April 14th!

This spiritual holding pattern is evil!

With that being said…
No one walks in to the Capital!
One must apply and be invited!
The J6 narrative is horrible.

It is tax day after my birthday….
Are we still paying that too!

Please God,
give us the strength
we need to endure this
manipulation of humanity.

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

modified live virus- huh-???

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc

seekingtruth , a higher frequency of light, enlightenment -etc