Sue West
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I saw a lady with ashes on her forehead this morning at the gym. And I was thinking that is right on top of where her penial gland is. Makes sense if those ashes are from sacrificed babies and children. The evil ones would be proud seeing the stupid humans proudly having these ashes on their head all day. Yuk! Thank you commander Valiantthor for opening my eyes to another evil tradition!

I want to know!!!! I think it is something very evil! I feel sad for those poor families who lost love ones! 😭

My husband complains about hearing loss. I keep telling him to stop taking those poison snake venom pills. He doesn't believe me and keeps taking them. They also stop sexual function. Now I know why his hearing/sexual function are bad. Thanks for posting this.

Why does DJT pick people that hate him????

I don't remember voting for JFK Jr? If he was VP then something must have happened to DJT? Aren't we suppose to vote? Or have the rules changed and nobody knows about it?

I looked up -- male prostitute
noun as in gigolo
Strong matches
lounge lizard -- THIS FITS PERFECTLY

The Bible Says the sun and moon are lights. Lights Do not do what this video is showing.

Video taken down. Must have been good!

Beautiful! Can't wait for the new Earth!

link does not work

True I asked my bank teller about the most resent bills he has seen and he said 2017. I received a pack of 100 two dollar bills from him brand new in the wrapper the date on them 2017! I was wondering about this I know the coins are being made, but I was wanting to know if they are just adding funds to the digital realm so they don't have to print dollars? Because where is all the money coming from when they give so much away to Ukraine and other countries if there is no printing since 2017?

i am sure they accounted for the curvature and rotation of the earth when building these tunnels! LOL!

Hey diddle diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon

I want Chapter and verse in the King James Bible for the globe spinning, rotating, curving EARTH!
Because I have OVER 200 Verses in the Bible that show the earth is FLAT unmoving, No spinning, No curve, the sun and moon are LIGHTS NOT solid objects! And why can't we go to Antarctica? What is so secret? The Firmament, The ice wall holding back the oceans? Why can't we see for ourselves? Juan KNOWS the Bible funny he does NOT quote ANY scriptures when telling the CIA conspiracy story! He Tells the story exactly the same every time! Juan is not telling the truth for some reason or he would have Bible verses! I will not believe the spinning earth until I See over 200 verses on the Globe earth model.
Thank you for reading my Rant!

The earth is NOT a ball either. That is the point, we want to know the truth!