Shannon gilmour
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Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
Calling all my Christian peeps! What to figure out who or what is behind this epidemic we call#narcissism? I share biblical and clinical assertions as well as I give you a well defined approach on how to heal yourself from trauma to allow yourself to never fall to trauma ever again.
Check it out:
Your support means a lot as I am struggling to earn a living on the internet, Trying to stay away from the current regulations of passports and passes needed in order to conduct business, buy and sell. We are ruled by#narcissists and I intend to help take them down with the direct knowledge I've gained through personal experience.
God wins!

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
The lasting hope and legacy I would like for us to hang onto is this...
Those of you who are suffering a loss, of family members due to illness, vaccine, or spiritual emancipation, would you join me in a collective memorial? I would like us to collaborate together, I am in Canada and I would like us to come together from all over the world. Please consider, when you are ready, and in your own timing, to make a 1 minute video of sharing with the world your good bye, and your memories of your loved ones? You are welcome to send them to me, or collaborate with me, as I will put these videos together and set up a memorial website for all of us to go to.
The wars of the past have their memorials in statue and stone. We will will this war of the battle of Armageddon; truth vs lies. This is a spiritual war, and our monument will be found on the internet, The NEW INTERNET... when we transition from what we have now, to the future of information sharing. #Patriots#healingourland

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
Continued from previous post. We know that there will be deaths. There will be a genocide on the human populous like we have never seen before in our life times. We are being killed off and we can't do a dang thing about it. We have no choice but to watch our loved ones suffer and eventually die. This is sick and wrong. Even if the cabal is being taken care of, they have left a lasting imprint of sorrow on our hearts. This is the trademark of a#narcissist. They like to leave a lasting negative impression by attaching themselves to something they leave behind. Your loved ones memory left behind will always be attached to the CABAL.
I am proposing to NOT GIVE THEM THE SATISFACTION of turning our hearts over to bitterness and hate. This is a deep spiritual understanding and I will make a post on that, for now, I want to propose something to you. Will you help me in making a lasting legacy of hope and healing? ( Continued...)

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
Love cannot be created or destroyed. It can only evolve. For those who we love and have taken the vaccines, they have chosen their fate. Does that make it that we love them less/ No. We love them regardless. Because they have taken the vaccine, we can no longer be in their company. We can no longer hug them and go over for weekend dinners and have family gatherings. This in itself is so isolating.
And then there is the potential of increased illness and possibly deaths in 4-12 months. We will not be able to attend their funerals, because of those that remain alive and are vaccinated and show no visible side effects. Word is already out that the vaccine causes what is called vaccine shedding. A synthetic protein is absorbed from one individual to the other.
Just think about this... If this exchange happens between a vaxxed and non vaxxed person, what will happen between a vaxxed and vaxxed person? More synthetic protein shedding? Could the vaxxed be susceptible too? Continued.

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
Calling all my#christian family! Just because our churches are closed does not give us a free pass to stop living for#Jesus! Let's learn and reason together as God's word directs. I am a Christian author and I have studied the word of God for years and I took notes encouraged by God in prayer. From my notes, I published a paper back work book entitled 'A study in His Word' work book. This book has questions for you to answer as this book takes you on a journey of the Book of Matthew to help you see the deeper insights into the Ministry of Jesus.
Free! Download your copy of ' A study in His Word' HERE:

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
#narcissists have a way of spinning the narrative. This video shares with you what it is, and how you can deal with it. Watch to the end as this video shares with you a hidden detail about the term called#splitting

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
Anyone know what has happened to 'We go'? I was on there the other day interacting with all the lovely Patriots... and I try to use my book mark and PAGE is no longer available. It's GONZO #pagesbanned#internetfreespeach#ThoughtPolice#Trigger

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
Taming the ego... it's difficult but necessary....

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
This is a video I made that I am hoping will help give us some alternative awareness as we endeavor to help our friends and family who are not yet ready to see the truth. As Christians we are to live for Jesus are we not? This video is not preachy instead it shares with you insight on the media we call the television and how this has been used as a tool by design to hypnotize us. I segue from television and movies into the Passover of Jesus as we are to have our minds focused on Christ not on evil that the television movies promote. The programming we watch has created in us a fear based model designed to keep us living in fear and far from the one who CAN and is willing to not only HEAL but protect us from the current medical crisis we are in.
The Passover is an important piece of history that brings us into alignment with our maker and shares with us His healing and protective qualities.
Thank you for watching!

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
#suicide is no joke. Here is a video to help you#Patriots, who are struggling. This video shares with you how to talk someone about suicide and#Depression.
#wwg1wga#MAGA#selfhelp#talktherapy#death#LIFE # God#lovelikeJesus#Christianity#God#Hope#help

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
#narcissism Here's a video to help you recognize some signs. I speak from
Personal experience from biblical perspective.

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
Taming the ego... self acutualization is necessary to move forward and rid yourself of limiting beliefs.

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
#Narcissim is an epidemic. It seems like everyone is toxic. Be careful what you look for because you just might find it. It is important as God says to take the plank out of our own eye before we look at the speck of dust in someone else's eye. Narcissists have their plank but let's be honest, we are not innocent either. We are responsible for our actions and reactions and I help you take responsibility for your own healing. I have a book available for download at the link below.

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
Full Book! PDF download FREE! Please do not sell this book. I put a lot of hours into studying and researching this information for all of us.
A STUDY IN HIS WORD- Bible study commentary on the ministry of Jesus through the book of Matthew.

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
What the heck is going on? Why is the person you love not giving you the emotional support you need? Consider that they may lack empathy as they may suffer from Narcissistic Personality disorder.
Download your copy of 'Narcissism: The Bad Boy Image' at
this book gives you a clinical and biblical assertion as well as this book will help you to heal from the pain and injury so you can rise up and live a life for you in a way that makes you proud! No regrets! Heal yourself today!

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
I am in love with#Jesus. Calling all my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Where are you at? Let's learn of Jesus together and help uplift and build up the kingdom of God
FREE content:
Ask me questions, download commentary, learn at your own pace.

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
I am in love with#Jesus. Calling all my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Where are you at? Let's learn of Jesus together and help uplift and build up the kingdom of God
FREE content:
Ask me questions, download commentary, learn at your own pace.

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
I ham having so much fun in the Word of God! My faith is taking flight as I am experiencing a belief that surpases all understanding. Jesus is LORD and I am excited for all of us. Would you join me in learning with me? Would you like to do bible studies along side me Please join my forum where we can ask questions, read the word of God together, and where you can download your free copy of A STUDY IN HIS WORD. This is a bible study that shares with us the hidden messages within the ministry of Jesus.#Biblestudy#BIBLE#homeschool#biblefoundation#Jesus

Christian non denominational author and women's life coach helping you see yourself as God sees you through a lens that offers hope.
This is project odin. When our social media goes... starlink will launch this quantum internet.