operator 436
3 years ago

operator 436

Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

QAnon was all a psyop to keep wary patriots from thinking for themselves. To make them think "Trump and the military" have all this under control. Remember, Trump is nothing more than one man. His so called "patriots" working behind the scenes, they failed. The military also failed to stop the coup. The FBI has been infiltrated by the enemy. CIA, NSA, all of them. We The People are under attack from a bioweapon created and staged by not just the CCP, but actors from within our own country. The end of America is near. There really aren't enough fighters left in this once great country. Just a bunch of sallow meme makers and whiners. I just call them bitches for short. YOU ARE A BITCH! Now, fuck off and go play on facebook, twitter and all the other big tech owned media that you don't have the balls to leave. Shit, you can't even do that! You think you can fight in a war? Hah! Pathetic excuse, you are not an American. You are something else born of this long winded attack.

The enemy has done one hell of a job mapping out key positions city, state and federal to take over our legislation, education and government at highest levels. They are teaching a divide by race, religion, income, location, gender, sexual orientation and anything else they can make up! They teach our kids to hate themselves and each other. They teach our kids to hate America! How can so many be so blind? They've bought up over 90% of our news, entertainment and social medias. They control it all. now they control our voices. Soon they will control our guns!

They just follow the MSM narrative no matter what they say. So many Americans are hopelessly brainwashed automatons. As if Asians are really hated in this country. They take any event and make up racial aspects when there are none. Shooting in Georgia massage parlors, well, there were also 2 white women killed, not just Asians. Didn't hear about that in the news did ya! The allah ackbar killer in Colorado looked white from a distance, but then no apologies for pinning it on a white right wing extremist! Now we've had another allah ackbar run over two police officers at the capitol. Hardly stayed in the news for a day or two. Their racist narrative is so racist! Anyone can be a racist if they point fingers at people based on their race! It's literally the definition. Ludicrous, insanely weak minded people fill this country now.

This was posted by Don Jr. 1/8/21

Please stop sharing and posting to youtube, twitter and facebook. Those links are disappearing which means our evidence is disappearing. The enemy (tech giants seen in this picture) grow bigger everytime we login, click, view, upload or share. Keep that in mind. Some want to fight on that battleground. But are you really fighting? Or are you just using it like a lefty liberal Democrat would? There is a difference. One gets banned the other never does.