Martin Geddes
5 minutes ago

Martin Geddes

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Sabre-toothed typist.

How much longer do we have to labour under the tyranny of juryless courts designed to take our money and run based on cases that would never be convicted by our peers. The waste of human life and stress this puts on people is indefensible.

A war on consciousness demands a fight for consciousness.

Not quite spring but not really winter.

AI doesn't have skepticism of power and authority built into its "genetics" as it has no physical skin in the game of making mistakes about intent.

Given suitable training, AI can cut through a lot of woke nonsense really quickly.

It is not OK to send pretend legal notices that give the impression of being the police but lack authority and authentication, then prosecute the victim for attempting to validate them and seek due process.

Every interaction with corrupt officialdom is like pushing through an emotional soup of PTSD from years of psychological, economic, legal warfare. Fifth-generation war wounds don't have the same kind of scars.

When the public know, and stop paying, it's over.

Some awakenings are unpleasant, but it's not a moral problem.

The score in this game is very skewed to the Anons.

If the media was doing its job then I wouldn't have to write this. We are the news now!

This one might give you a laugh. She never ever expected to be held to account.

Why don't you draw a map of your social network and identify the roles people occupy?

Can psychotherapy help to spring us from the prison of the mind imposed by social engineering?

There is meaning in our suffering, but we should "suffer peacefully".

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication


Yesterday's gloom on the last day in January.

This may help those new to the cause understand what we are up against.

As the Substack author posting interface says, "This article is for everyone".

I am so at the point where I want all the fake debt collectors, corrupt courts, family alienation, police harassment, poisoned food, malpractising doctors, and lying media to end. Have "come out and become separate" with all the costs involved. That's the 5D freedom. Now it's time for the 4D freedom of mass awakening. Then the 3D freedom can follow.

It is almost as if the radical left is targeting juries by pretending to support them.

The Bible instructs us to stand, not advance or retreat, so the military can do their job in alliance with us as civilians. Understanding the prosecution of cartels is intrinsic to the Q operation and our role in it.

How I have come to see the corporate world now I have some significant distance from it.

A deserved PR headache for Northern Powergrid, who are meant to supply electricity, not weaponise it.

An afternoon at the beach in NE Scotland.