Kevin Nicholson
3 years ago

Kevin Nicholson

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Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

God's Creation - version 2 is better!

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

'Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goes about seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist ye, strong in faith: knowing that the same affliction befalls your brethren who are in the world.' 1 Peter 5:8-9

"Operation Paperclip (NASA Space Nazi Folk)
& Dr. Adey’s CIA Funding
” … Ross Adey, one who received CIA funding, found that modulated microwaves manipulated in diverse manners, could effect or cause ’specific electrical patterns’ within the human brain, and that within subjects, responses representing conditioning, could be ‘enhanced by shaping the microwaves with rhythmic variation in amplitude corresponding to EEG frequencies.'” (Dr. Robert O. Becker, Body Electric, p. 320.)"

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"Our father and husband, Dr. Baselga, was a fighter and a believer in science. That's why, when he was diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a rapidly progressing, fatal neurodegenerative disease, our lungs dropped to our stomachs. The science behind CJD is a mystery and there are no treatments, which rendered his fighting spirit useless.

Patients, on average, live between 3 weeks and 6 months post the onset of symptoms. All that is known is that the disease begins when a protein, for some unknown reason, misfolds in the brain and becomes contagious, convincing all nearby proteins to rebel and misfold as well."

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"Audits, recounts, canvassing — what does it all mean?
Canvassing is part of the state election certification process that confirms every valid ballot cast is included in the final count. The rules vary by state.
After the canvas is complete, a state can consider an audit. An election audit is a review taken after the polls close to see if the votes were counted properly or the correct procedures were followed. A recount is a specific type of audit that involves the repeat tabulation of the votes to see if the initial count was accurate. This is usually only undertaken in a close election within a certain particularly narrow margin, often 0.5% or less. The margin, rules, and who pays for the recount can vary by state."

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"....does not appear to be random.3 4 The study pointed out…

These findings raise the likelihood of a causal link between the vaccine and myocarditis.4"

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"Database of all HCQ COVID-19 studies. 302 studies, 222 peer reviewed, 252 comparing treatment and control groups. Submit updates/corrections below. HCQ is not effective when used very late with high dosages over a long period (RECOVERY/SOLIDARITY), effectiveness improves with earlier usage and improved dosing. Early treatment consistently shows positive effects. Negative evaluations typically ignore treatment time, often focusing on a subset of late stage studies. In Vitro evidence made some believe that therapeutic levels would not be attained, however that was incorrect, e.g. see [Ruiz]." ibid.

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"At present we use two atomic clocks, and we think that our measurements are precise, but we would welcome the advice of the international community. It would help to have additional input on how to measure the speed of the impulse as accurately as we can. As soon as we get a good confirmation of these results, we will try to publish all of this information."...
For my part, I simply refer to it as a gravitational impulse, because after years of advances in the generation & measurement of these effects we have the ability to make objects heavier or lighter. I have no better term for it than “artificial gravity”, at least not at the moment."

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"We’re very cautious about what we write, because we don’t want to frighten the scientific community, and also we want to be absolutely sure that the results are checked and rechecked many times — but it seems that based on what we have now, and we’ve already been working for a year and a half, the speed of the impulse is much higher than the speed of light.
With the parameters that we use now — using our current emitter designs and a voltage of 3 to 5 million volts, we are measuring the propagation speed of the impulse at close to 64 times the speed of light. Of course, we would like to thoroughly confirm all our measurements using as many different tools, systems and methods as possible."

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

" Metacognition often helps the implicit processes become more

Metacognition is "cognition about cognition", "thinking about thinking", "knowing about knowing", becoming "aware of one's awareness" and higher-order thinking skills. The term comes from the root word meta, meaning "beyond", or "on top of". Metacognition can take many forms; it includes knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for learning or problem-solving. There are generally two components of metacognition: knowledge about cognition and regulation of cognition. Metamemory, defined as knowing about memory and mnemonic strategies, is an especially important form of metacognition. Academic research on metacognitive processing across cultures is in the early stages, but there are indications that further work may provide better outcomes in cross-cultural learning between teachers and students. Writings on metacognition date back at least as far as two works by the Greek philosopher Arist

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"A frequently cited problem on the CRT is the question: “A bat and ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat cost $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?” The intuitive answer that readily comes to mind is .10, which is incorrect. The correct answer is $.05 ($.05 ball + $1.05 bat = $1.10 total). To arrive at the correct answer, one must reject their initial “gut” response and engage in deliberative, analytical reasoning." ibid.
b + (b +1.00) = 1.10

2b = 1.10 - 1.00

2b =.10

b = .05

Metacognition is "cognition about cognition", "thinking about thinking", "knowing about knowing", becoming "aware of one's awareness" and higher-order thinking skills. The term comes from the root word meta, meaning "beyond", or "on top of". Metacognition can take many forms; it includes knowledge about whe

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"None of these qualify as a mass shooting, which is defined as a single gunman killing 4 or more people is a continuous event.
Things got weirder because as I checked these articles out, they were all the same, only slightly altered to fit the state:"

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

""[...] in April and May 1922, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Monsignor Barlassina, returned to Rome, and prepared a highly esteemed prelection in which it said what follows: ′′... The intention of Zionism is the conquest of Palestine. In order to reach their ends, Zionists appeal to any means. Protected by the British authorities, they are truly the Palestinian masters, create laws and impose their will on the whole population. Catholics, Muslims, and even Orthodox Israelites are subjected to countless afflictions.... they have at their disposal large sums of money sent by Zionist organizations... mostly those in the United States and Great Britain. With that money, they buy the lands of the poor Muslims ruined by war; they fund schools and sometimes corrupt moral conscience.... As the founded accounts prove, the intention of the Zionists is to expropriate Arabs and Christians little by little... To add the name of their correligionaries, they organize immigration to Palestine of R

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"To get past the filibuster, Biden’s proposed amnesty would need 60 votes in the Senate. With a 50-50 split in the Senate between Republicans and Democrats, that means 10 Republicans would need to support an amnesty plan. Cotton believes Democrats will not get anywhere near that number, which means Biden’s plans for an amnesty are dead on arrival in Congress. At this stage, zero Republicans have signaled support for any of Biden’s amnesty agenda." ibid.

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"Levels 3 and 4 also use hardness maintenance and hardness surveillance (HM/HS) programs to verify that the EMP shields are effective and that the EMP barrier’s integrity is maintained over the life cycle of the system. A properly designed barrier with penetration protection for all power, data and antenna cables will make equipment behind it safe from wide variations of external EM fields, including HEMP, SREMP, and IEMI threats....

....The costs of achieving Level 3 or 4 protection are small when compared to the life and mission risks averted. For example, Level 3 protection can be achieved for many sites for far less than 1% of the system cost. Even the most expensive Level 4 protections are only expected to cost 1% to 5% of overall new system costs, if planned from the onset versus retrofitted into existing systems."

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication
"One of the most important aspects of Congress is developing, making, and monitoring laws. New legislation is passed almost every week. Please contact our office to share your thoughts on current legislation that may affect you, your family and your community. Learn more about legislation sponsored and co-sponsored by Congressman Biggs. Constituents can view the U.S. House of Representatives' latest votes on Capitol Hill and view Roll Call Votes by the U.S Congress. Learn more About Legislation of the U.S. Congress and Votes in the House and Senat

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"But the Edison data provided yesterday from the Virginia State delegate shows 405,000 votes for Biden from Fairfax County. This is a 110,000 ballot difference. What is going on?"" ibid.

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

"Calls For Gov. Cuomo’s Arrest Grow Louder After Latest Coverup is Revealed"

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

* In addition, behind some election irregularities I see the hand of China. Therefore, when President* Biden accommodates China through his appointments and Executive Orders, I will take it as establishing my Strong Hypothesis: we are experiencing a Chinese psyop to take over the United States without firing a shot."

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication

* In addition, to the degree that Biden tries to loosen rules governing future elections, or changes immigration policy so as to dramatically shift voter composition in the USA, I will claim it confirms my Weak Hypothesis: industrial-level election fraud rigged the election for Biden, the Left knows it, and wanting it to be locked in for future elections, they seek to change the rules and the electorate now.
* In addition, behind some election irregularities I see the hand of China. Therefore, when President* Biden accommodates China through his appointments and Executive Orders, I will tak

Catholic (Not Vatican II) / Married / Father of 4 / Grandfather of 2 / USA Patriot / Jesus Christ is King of kings. #MAGA

In response Kevin Nicholson to his Publication