Life is like walking
The body is like a bicycle
The mind is like a sailboat
And the spirit like a plane
The soul is all of the above
Without walking, you would never guess you could move
Without knowing what movement it, you would never built a proper bicycle
Without a bicycle you would never have the concept of vehicle
Without the concept of vehicle you could never build a proper sailboat
Without the sails of your sailboat you would never know the action of the wind
Without knowing how the wind affects shapes you would never build a proper plane
While walking comes naturally and owning a bycicle is innevitable most are stuck on their boat, prefering to stay and party in marinas instead of sailing the seas to examine the action of the wind. Worse, some sail so badly, that under habitual maneuvring, they always end up stuck in the same river, annoyed in the very same way and sailing very little. To think that these maneuvres are actively taught in schools.
But the worse of them all are those that claim that sailboating will keep you from building a plane; that to build a plane you should never know the action of the wind, the movement or the action.
And so, they remove all motivation, they stay incredibly still and they bestill the wind of the mind.
They build a plane like they would build a bicycle that wouldn't be able to move.
In truth, the best guidance to spirituality is to let yourself be guided by your soul, which is all of the above.
While watching the world I see that the worse blockage is the one of the mind; almost all the boats are in marinas or in the butt of a river, some even in marinas in rivers. (These use the word "narrative" a lot).
The mind is not antithetical to the spirit, if you think so, your mind needs more work learn to sail.
A healthy spirit requires a healthy mind and a healthy body, what does hinder spiritual experiences is to maneuvre like you would a sailboat when flying a plane.
Sorry for the typos :)
I didn't acquire the habit to check my spelling before clicking "publish".