Humans match their electromagnetic vibrations to the Schumman resonnance. It's a law of physics, you can't escape it.
At the begining, you might "bounce around" so to speak but each time it "bumps against" the earth's vibration, the stronger force pushes back on the smaller force. Over time, they become perfectly synced. The stronger force here is the earth.
If the CIA docs are accurate, it'll make humans kinder, happier and smarter. Of course, this does not mean that we suddenly lose our morality and stop punishing crimes.
Technically you could sync to a harmonic instead. For example, imagine 2 very heavy pendulums surrounding a light pendulum. The 2 exterior pendulums could rock back and forth at 100Hz and the center one could sync at 50 or 25, or even 200Hz and still not bump into the surrounding pendulums.
In reality, since it started at 7.8 and slowly went up, it's virtually impossible to sync at an harmonic because of the speed increase, it'll be in unison.