Bruce Wayne
3 years ago

Bruce Wayne

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#MAGA What has this world come to? Why is evil out in the daylight without fear?

God was so gracious to give us free will; however, He knew power corrupts the heart of those whom do not fear Him.

This reminds me why Jesus Christ stated "Thine will be done...". It is the clear example we need to follow. I do my best and am imperfect, but never would I think of any of the hideous things I've seen circulating online. Pure EVIL.

In shock from watching cops pepper spray a 9 year old child. She is emotional and distraught, and they lose patience resulting in abusive force.#GodWins no matte

Reoccuring dreams which lead to sleep thinking. A subconscious mind wrestling with the sad truth of reality currently.#MAGA

Civil War
A war without bullets, missles, bombs, bloodshed

Thinking deeper on Wall Street, diamond hands. Solarwinds.

Why is DC fencing itself in? Walls work.
What happens in a collapse?
Who is able to survive when prepared?
Who is it they fear? (If not us then whom?)

The notion of#wwg1wga has been spotted in patterns over the last few weeks. Look at markets, cyber, and leaks further exposing the FBI.

#TheGreatAwakening#thestormisuponus and#GODWI

Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

Heck of a coincidence...

The NSA tweeted that today is#nationalpuzzleday2021.
The tweets included a puzzle within a puzzle.
Q drop#2978 includes, 'A puzzle within a puzzle' and 'NSA humor.

Note the final answer = CYBER


Lot's of uproar today over WallStreet finally get a dose of it's own playbook.

Two explosions today were reported. 1 in D.C. reportedly a generator at a hospital falling from the roof to the basement. An explosion was heard prior to the generator falling from reports.

2nd was a Animal Processing Plant in Atlanta.

Be safe and God Bless.


I have a secret. I am no different from you or anyone you know. I am a humble man who understands how much I fail to be like Jesus Christ. I fall daily, and I pray for forgiveness.

If I swear out of anger or fustration, I failed.
If I do not love wholeheartedly, I failed.
If I do not see the best in everyone, I failed.

So every night I have to ask for forgiveness because I cannot stand Biden or Kamala. May God have mercy upon me and understand my human heart can only stand injustice for so long.

God Bless you all and know that you are loved.

Attached are dig and whois items. Research the IP related within the DNS records and you'll find the hosting information as well.


ALERT: Two websites claim to be created by Trump. and

They're behind cloudflare protection, hosted between America and Japan, and have Google Analytics embedded within them.

While I cannot prove they do not belong to Trump and his team, exercise caution with information until it can be confirmed. Donald Trump Jr. has made no mention of the sites and no other major Trump supporters have specified it either.

We are in a war and must all work together to verify truth.


I do not have sponsors or items to sell you. I do not care if you buy gold or silver. What I do care about is the following:

- Have a food supply to last 90 days or 120 days rationed.
- Have a water supply that will last 90 days or 120 days rationed.
- Have Bibles within your bug out location or in your bug out bag.
- Have a plan for meeting up with groups, safety in numbers.
- Pray, and pray often.

The escalations from China are provoking Taiwan and will result in military actions. I have no doubt under the Biden Administration it will st

#GodWins#MAGA # wwg1wga

Biden isn't Trump, his snarky comment about his call with Putin would've caused a riot if it were Trump. Instead, Biden just looked much weaker on the world stage. Putin won in whatever dialog was exchanged, Biden weaked over nukes.

The world is watching the play on the stage. Daily Biden looks more like a clown and puppet than anything else.

We should start getting "Orange Hair Bad" trending. This press secretary is awful. Meme makers work your magic KEK.


Anyone paying attention is noticing the travel ban is a punishment on those in South African under attack. Look at the farm raids being performed to further push out the "white extremists" from the area. It is being enabled to stir narratives, think about BLM and what direction it will take in America.

God is in control but we have to do 50% of the work and walk 50% in faith. We cannot site idle while people destroy our communities any longer. We have to write in, call in, and voice our outpouring of disgust with local leadership.

We can make changes!


General Flyn's brother:
Lt. Gen. (Promotable) Charles A. Flynn, deputy chief of staff, G-3/5/7, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C., to commanding general, U.S. Army Pacific, Fort Shafter, Hawaii.

Who is in control?


We will not live in fear. We will stock up on food, medical suppies, and defend our families. The#greatreset is upon us and we will need to be ready. I do not have any stores or shops. I do not have much money.

I have faith in God and I understand we can meet in the middle. 50% works 50% faith. I will not fear the Government that is destroying America.

God didn't give us his son to watch us be destroyed by evil, and if anything it will show his amazing authority over all.



Do you see things changing around you? Loved ones are perking up and being more open to discussion about the new fake POTUS?

Why do [R] have to beg for better treatment of troops?
Are they being punished?
Stuffed into cramed spaces to get COVID?
Masks are useless if the military is getting COVID.
COVID deaths are decreasting like a miracle happened.
COVID curves are trending downward.
CNN gets rid of COVID death counter.

We The People will not forget or let it go, EVER.

Vaccines do not go into freezers, they're refrigerated.
Masks don't work for our military? 200+ infected? How?
Troops intentionally packed in tight areas?
Fake POTUS has no plans.
Fake POTUS rules by Executive Order.
Antifa/BLM riot all over the west.
Syria invaded.
Lack of Press coverage, why?

How do you divert negative attention away from how you treated troops?
COVID. 200 plus are positive for it.

How? They're tested daily.

#thestormisuponus#wwg1wga Be stead fast and focused.

Pray to God we do not need "physical" war with China. The many proxy wars between Russia, China, and America have been playing out over the last decade. MP has been posting a lot of intel about our stance with China becoming much more aggressive, and actions taken by POTUS (TRUMP) are a clear indication something is happening.

IF you must join the "counter coup" circulating the internet, do so peacefully and righteously. God does not want war or violence, and in return HE will protect His believers.

Put on the full armor of God.

#TheGreatAwakening has happened and many are still waking up. Trump exposed the FAKE NEWS MSM and brought attention into a system that was once closed off to public eye. Do not fall victim into the false flags, narratives, and for your own sanity do not follow personalities online blindly.

God is in control and He will always protect his people; think hedge of protection. NO matter who the enemy is; They will never have power over God. Greater is He that is in YOU than he that is in the WORLD.

Stay safe, do not travel to protest hot zones, and TRUST GOD over any plan by man.

One thing is for certian. We are living in troubled times. I pray to God for discernment and for the transition of power to be another 4 years of Trump. Technically he should have a reset and serve 8 years total. The corruption, likes of which the world has never seen, is receiving information about now is undeniable, and many will come to terms. I do not know of Q but I have read some, and enough to know there is misinformation all over. I followed breadcrumbs to get here.

Trust in God.
