Zack 1776
3 years ago

Zack 1776

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Q is a hoax.
Alex Jones at INFOWARS knows whats up and is consistantly accurate. Dont be misled by Q!
Go to

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩‍💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

Christian-Family-Country: Married, Dad, Navy Combat Veteran, ITAMVET, Drummer, Trump supporter, Semi-retired, EP, Golf, Guns, Harley &....


If your parler app hasnt been working since censorship-big-tech shut them down try signing off of your profile and signing back in

To save this country we need this movement of patriotic Americans uniting in practical ways that impacts society.
Prayer is crucial but we also need action. This is a well thought rational plan being embraced by many Americans who have witnessed a great crime against constitutiinal America.

To save this country we need this movement of patriotic Americans uniting in practical ways that impacts society.
Prayer is crucial but we also need action. This is a well thought rational plan being embraced by many Americans who have witnessed a great crime against constitutiinal America.

Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts

The question why Julian Assange in prison?

Digital Soldier🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🌏Survivor 🇺🇸Dog Lover♥️ MAGA🇺🇸 GOD WINS🙏 Great Awakening!!! I'm here 4 TRUMP

Have y'all seen this?
His sister is in my group
Last I heard they're trying 2 give him 30 years

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To the Blue:
Back the Church!
We need more men and women in blue who will stand with Christian principles, think rationally, and refuse to do the bidding of irrational health orders just because their supervisors tell them. If the police have supervisors that tell them to commit crimes on the public(aka opposing the first amendment right to gather) then they are no longer law enforcement they are law breakers. It is a crime to Criminalizing people for not wearing masks, social distancing or gathering in their churches.

I used to be all in for "blue lives matter"
but if the police force is going to be run by Bejieng Biden and that regime. The police would become enemies of Constitutional Americans. Potentially enforcing irrational mask orders, vaccines, and government overeach.

Let The Arrests Begin . 😎🦅🇺🇸
222,286 Sealed Indictments . Up to 94 people can be tied to each indictment. Thank God a whole lot of people are about to go away forever!!!#CrimesAgainstHumanity#ElectionFraud#SatanicElite#thestormisuponus#TheGreatAwakening#MAGA

We must educate our children about the truth of our Nation and pass Patriotism onto our children. This is part of the fight to ensure the American vision continues. Parents and Patriots thats us, because the schools/electronic devices are endoctrinating future generations with misinformation.

God, Family and President Trump. I'm a Mom, Nana, Veteran, Patriot. a Mom, Grandma, Conservative, Prior Military Veteran, Patriot

another one!
something is happenning.
30 People Arrested, 1 Child Rescued in Human Trafficking Sting ‘Operation Cupid’ in Texas

Everybody has the right to choose whether or not they get the vaccine. Not getting it is smarter but vaccinated people have no right to decide what is best for the awakened people who choose to opt out.
If the vaccine works like they claim then the vaccinated sheep can be around their not-easily-duped neighbors.

Dont let the words "conspiracy theorist" be a criticism.
Hollywood & our culture has indoctrinated people to see that phrase as meaning "a crazy person"
Dont let simple phrases that the culture has conditioned us, to be triggered by, allow you to become emotional.

conspiracy-an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
theory-contemplation or speculation.

The mainstream news slandered Americans, Patriots,& Anons for being conspiracy theorists today.These news outlets fed conspiracy theories to the masses about President Trump colluding with Russia and all kinds of invalid theories for years &never confessed to their error.

let us be different and walk in truth.We can openly admit that those who believed President Trump was going to be inaugurated March 4th were wrong.Truth will build this movement up. We arent in the darkness like the forces opposing truth & freedom,we are in the light, we dont hide. dust off confess & keep movin

"follow the plan"
Lets actually make a plan. Spread the plan. Inform our communities, families, and social platforms of the plan. And unite for positive change. Government isnt our Savior, neither is Trump but We The People can continue to build on the foundation that constitutional America was founded upon impacting our country, future, generations, and the world.

1st know God personally through Jesus Christ because He brings true freedom to the human heart. Share the message of His Salvation. He is the foundation for righteousness, justice, morality, peace.

Address current events, discuss, engage, be vocal, be courageous, online and in person.

Defund unamerican platforms/businesses. Buy American.

Resist globalist agendas and government overreach. Take a stand even if it costs you.

Read and understand the priceless Constitution and read the 1776 report, it gives great insight into the design of Constitutional America and the enemies we face. Educate others.
Any Pla

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Anons dont be discouraged. There was some misinformation about march 4th and Trump, the info was false but dont let it discourage you.Let it sharpen you. Get facts and accurate info before believing something too easily, having faith is good and powerful but clearly some information out there is false. It doesnt mean it is all false, we still are a powerful force for good and can grow to be better in this battlefield. You are a digital soldier, there are sometimes injuries or casualties in warfare, you win some and lose some but those who will get back up and keep fighting will take the victory or will stand before God one day with a clean conscience knowing they fought the good fight.
there have been all kinds of sex trafficking busts within the last month and there are court cases still being filed about the voter fraud(i wouldnt hold your breath for that) but we can pray for voter integrity to be restored and continue to spread awareness and accurate information.

Well the march 4th theory was wrong. That made the month of Febuary filled with hope and expectation but it was false. It would have been a great concept if it was true. People should really be careful about spreading misinformation because then it is an innacurate conspiracy theory. That is what the fake-news does.
A lot of what is discussed here may be theories and if it is a theory that involves 2 or more people doing something evil and corrupt then technically it is a conspiracy, and we know that the govetnment is acting corruptly therefore being called a "conspircacy theorist" is not a criticism.

But, we should not spread fantacy stories that are not true because it spreads false hope and it gives the fake news and people who have drank the fake-news-mainstream-narrative-koolaid something to scoff at.
Instead of conspiracy theorists we should expose the real conspiracies taking place with evidence and spread awareness of accurate information.

The real terrorists are the globalists and the deep state and those who created this fake-pandemic.
Jesus said, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" thats why these organizations are accusing people of being terrorists because they are the terrorists.

a section from the 1776 Report:

WWG1WGA 🦅🇺🇸 #SaveTheChildren